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Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code


Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code



From Northern Germany to the World


We develop premium testing tools for software developers in the automotive industry

BTC Embedded Systems was founded in Oldenburg/Germany in 1999.

We started with an ambitious goal: To take complex and powerful mathematical verification and test methods out of their academic hiding place, and make them available for real-life model-based software development projects.

We still feel dedicated to this goal and with a global presence and over 200 employees, we proudly look back on 20 years of technological market leadership in areas like formal verification, model checking and automatic test generation.

Today, our ISO 26262 certified products are used by car makers and suppliers world-wide for the automated test and verification of safety critical embedded software.

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about us

Management Team

Dr. Udo Brockmeyer


Dr. Udo Brockmeyer studied Computer Science at the Carl v. Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and graduated with a diploma in 1995. He went on to work in the Research Institute OFFIS e.V. on Formal Methods and achieved his Doctorate in computer science in 1999. In 2001 he joined BTC Embedded Systems AG as a project manager. He has been CEO there since 2005. He has also been on the board of BTC Japan Co., Ltd. since 2007, on the board of BTC Embedded Systems România SRL since 2015, on the board of BTC Software Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and BTC Embedded Systems Inc. since 2017. Furthermore, Dr. Udo Brockmeyer became an IBM Champion for Rational Software from 2013.

Hans J. Holberg

Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Hans J. Holberg studied Computer Science at the University of Oldenburg, finishing his Diploma in 1995. He went on to work in the Research Institute OFFIS on Formal Methods and Automatic Test- and Validation Technology to support the Model Based Development Process of the Automotive and Aerospace Industry. In 2000, he became Consulting Director of pioneer Formal Methods Tool Vendor BTC Embedded Systems. From there, he went on to spend 9 years in charge of Marketing & Sales as Senior Vice President, as well as the responsible Representative Director of BTC Japan Co. Ltd. Since the beginning of 2016, he’s served as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) of BTC Embedded Systems AG.

Dr. Tom Bienmüller

Executive Vice President - Autonomous Driving Testing

Dr. Tom Bienmüller graduated in Computer Science with a diploma in Hardware Design from Carl v. Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in 1997. He received his doctoral degree in 2003 with a dissertation on the optimization of symbolic model checking in reactive systems testing. In the same year he came to BTC Embedded Systems AG, where he was in charge of product development and built up the newly established Automotive Services department. He is now responsible for the development and implementation of our product visions in the context of autonomous driving. Since 2017 he has also been on the board of BTC Embedded Systems România SRL

Ralf Sanders

Senior Vice President Automotive Services

Ralf Sanders studied Electrical Engineering with specialization in Computer Science at the University of Applied Science in Wolfenbüttel. He completed his Diploma in 1992, after which he worked as Hardware / Software developer and Project Leader in the area of Safety related Heating Appliances. In 2005, he moved to BTC Embedded Systems as Senior Consultant and Senior Project Leader. Since 2013, he is responsible for the Automotive Services business unit of BTC Embedded Systems.

Markus Gros

Senior Vice President Marketing & Sales

Markus Gros studied Mechatronics at the University of Darmstadt and at the Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. After his Diploma in 2007, he began working for dSPACE in Paris where he provided support, trainings and consulting to French customers in the Automotive and Aerospace Domain for topics including model based development, automatic code generation, AUTOSAR and ISO 26262. In 2012, he joined BTC Embedded Systems AG where he is today responsible for global marketing & sales activities. Since the beginning of 2019, he also serves as President of our US daughter company BTC Embedded Systems Inc. in Detroit. 

Dr. Tino Teige

Chief Research Director Innovation & Technology

Dr. Tino Teige holds a Diploma degree in Theoretical Computer Science from University of Rostock since 2005. From 2005 to 2012 he was a research assistent at the University of Oldenburg mainly working on formal methods. He received a doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2012 with a dissertation about verification of probabilistic systems. Since 2012 Dr. Tino Teige is with BTC Embedded Systems AG where he currently acts as Chief Research Director and Head of the Innovation & Technology Department, the latter being responsible for the application of formal methods in an industrial setting. In 2013 he was a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford.

Dr. Stefan Häusler

Senior Vice President EmbeddedPlatform

Dr. Stefan Häusler studied Computer Science at the Carl v. Ossietzky University of  Oldenburg and graduated with a diploma in 2006. He went on to work in the Research Institute OFFIS e.V. on Process Analysis and -optimization and achieved his Doctorate in computer science in 2012. In the same year he came to BTC Embedded Systems AG and worked in various positions as Product Manager, Product Owner and Technical Lead. Since 2021, he is responsible for the Products business unit of BTC Embedded Systems.

Dr. Jürgen Bohn

Senior Director SWIO

Dr. Jürgen Bohn graduated in Mathematics with diploma thesis in Computer Science at the Univ. Osnabrück in 1991. After working in a national research project “KorSo” (Correct Software) he received a doctor’s degree for his work on the “Validation of a Design Calculus for Communicating Systems by a Logic-Based Proof Systems” at the Univ. Oldenburg in 1997. Until 2001 Dr. Bohn work at the institute OFFIS e.V. on the preparation of model checking and test generation techniques for commercial usage. At the beginning of 2002, he switch to an OFFIS spin-off company that is today well-known as BTC Embedded Systems AG. Since then his roles have been development leader, director Embedded Services, and starting from 2014 he acts as head of “SW Infrastructure and Operations (SWIO)”. In particular, he is responsible for automated build and test pipelines, CI/CD, for all development activities at BTC Embedded Systems AG.

Robin Buchtmann

Senior Vice President ScenarioPlatform

In his professional career, Robin Buchtmann has advised many SMEs and corporations on the implementation of innovative business ideas and attractive business models. As a computer scientist and business economist, he has developed software-as-a-service solutions from the ground up to market maturity and has held leading positions in various areas of the marketing and digital economy in an international environment. Since 2022, he is responsible for the Scenario Platform business unit of BTC Embedded Systems AG.

Patrick mytanz_Management team

Patrick Mytanz

Senior Director People & Culture

Patrick Mytanz studied computer science at the university of Bremen, which he successfully finished with a Diploma in 2004.
During his studies as well as in the beginning of his career, he worked as a software developer and architect, later on he managed technical driven projects in SMEs as a project manager. Throughout the years the technical focus moved to more organisational responsibility. In 2015 he started to look into the challenges, the companies had in regards to their projects and personell requirements within their IT departments and offering them solutions for this. Patrick Mytanz is working at BTC Embedded Systems AG since 2024, where he is responsible for the “People & Culture” department.

About us

BTC Worldwide

Currently BTC Embedded Systems AG has locations in Oldenburg, Berlin, Tokyo, Shanghai, Detroit, Paris, and Timisoara, and is part of the “BTC Group” led by the BTC Business Technology Consulting AG.


Innovative through Research

We believe that continuous effort in research and innovation is a key factor for success in the quickly changing embedded world. Therefore, BTC Embedded Systems was and continues to be active in different research projects and partnerships.

By involving universities and research institutes, as well as industry members from fields such as automotive or aerospace, these collaborations serve as a great example of what BTC Embedded Systems has stood for from the beginning: Bridging the gap between the academic world and industrial projects in order to have a disruptive impact on the quality and efficiency of embedded software development. 


It’s all about integration

Today, embedded software development projects rely on complex toolchains, combining tools from different vendors for use cases like requirements management, function development or testing.

In a world of growing software complexity and agile processes, an efficient integration between these tools is key to success.

And this is exactly the benefit our long-standing partnerships with companies such as dSPACE, IBM or Siemens provide for our customers. 

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