December 10th, 10:00 CET (Berlin) / 04:00 EST (Detroit) / 14:30 IST (Bangalore) / 17:00 CST (Beijing)
December 10th, 15:00 CET (Berlin) / 09:00 EST (Detroit) / 19:30 IST (Bangalore) / 22:00 CST (Beijing)
New Features in BTC EmbeddedPlatform
For the holiday season 2024, we are bringing our international engineering team together to share their favorite new features of BTC EmbeddedPlatform.
Highlights include:
- Support for C++
- Test-Driven Development for Simulink
- New Git-friendly storage format
- Improved synchronization with ALM/PLM tools (e.g. DOORS, Polarion, etc.)
- Robustness checks for “Array-out-of-bounds”
- Improvements in BTC TestComposer
- New Profile Update Report
- AI-based generation of formalized requirements
- Native cloud hosting and WebUI
Please join Jason Tobias, Markus Gros, Spruha Pingale, Wolfgang Meincke, Thabo Krick, Yatish Chitluri, Taichi Ando, Leif Driebold and Chunxiao Liu for our last webinar of the year.