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Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode

Virtual Validation for ADAS/AD

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?


Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode

Virtual Validation for ADAS/AD

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?

Press Release: dSPACE and BTC Expand Partnership – Using Simulation to Validate and Homologate ADAS/AD Is Becoming a Reality

dSPACE and BTC Embedded Systems (BTC) are expanding their long-standing partnership by offering the mobility industry a simulation-based solution for validating and homologating systems in autonomous driving. The solution is based on the innovative simulation and validation environment SIMPHERA from dSPACE, which integrates seamlessly with the new BTC ScenarioPlatform. The combined expertise of both companies makes the smart and highly automated validation of ADAS/AD systems possible and forms the basis for homologation.

Tremendous achievements in the fields of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving (AD) continue to face major challenges related to validation at system level and safety. Virtual and scalable simulation solutions with efficient processes for data management, test creation, simulation, and risk analysis are indispensable for exploiting the potential of automation and putting autonomous driving functions on the road. BTC and dSPACE have created a tailor-made solution just for this purpose. 

dSPACE is the leading supplier of solutions for simulation-based verification and validation (V&V) at all system levels in the automotive industry. Based on highly realistic simulation models and digital twins, custom solutions are available for testing ECU software and electronics at the component, system, and vehicle level and for validating safety. The dSPACE V&V environment allows for smooth transitions between different test levels and between SIL and HIL validation including a consistent reuse of tests. Based on dSPACE’s established Automotive Simulation Models (ASM), the new web-based solution for simulation and validation, SIMPHERA, will be available for use in general customer projects starting the second half of this year. The highly scalable and intuitive environment for validating ADAS/AD systems can be used on site or in the cloud, thus making collaborative use and access from anywhere possible.

BTC is a leading manufacturer of software test and verification tools in the international automotive sector. The BTC ScenarioPlatform offers a highly automated solution for creating scenarios, generating tests, and evaluating tests based on coverage. Graphical traffic scenarios can be created intuitively using the BTC ScenarioComposer. The high level of abstraction makes it possible to express thousands of test cases with just one abstract scenario. The automated test generation functionality uses advanced technology such as model checking and AI, and thanks to the intelligent weakness detection, it allows test cases to be generated efficiently based on statistical methods and meaningful coverage metrics. In contrast to random or “brute force” test generation approaches, this strategy reduces the amount of test data considerably and at the same time delivers clear metrics, making it possible to determine when the test activities have been completed even with regard to future homologation criteria. The simulations are evaluated automatically by the BTC RuleObserver to ensure compliance with traffic rules or safety objectives.

About dSPACE

  • dSPACE is a leading provider of simulation and validation solutions worldwide for developing connected, autonomous, and electrically powered vehicles. Automotive manufacturers and their suppliers use the company’s range of end-to-end solutions to test the software and hardware components in new vehicles long before a new model is allowed on the road. Not only is dSPACE a sought-after partner in vehicle development, but engineers also rely on our know-how at dSPACE when it comes to aerospace and industrial automation. Our portfolio ranges from end-to-end solutions for simulation and validation to engineering and consulting services, as well as training and support. With approximately 1,800 employees worldwide, dSPACE is headquartered in Paderborn, Germany, has three project centers in Germany, and serves customers through regional dSPACE companies in the USA, the UK, France, Japan, China, Croatia, and South Korea.

About BTC Embedded Systems

  • BTC Embedded Systems is a leading manufacturer of software test and verification tools for embedded software and systems. Unique core technologies in the area of automatic test generation, model checking and formal methods contribute to a more intelligent and automated test process all along the V-Cycle. BTC EmbeddedPlatform,is an ISO 26262 certified test platform for the software unit and integration test, while the newly introduced BTC ScenarioPlatform addresses the simulation-based virtual validation of ADAS/AD systems. With more than 160 employees, BTC Embedded Systems is present in Oldenburg, Berlin, Tokyo, Nagoya, Shanghai, Detroit, Paris, and Timisoara

    Press Release on dspace.com

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