Unser Blog mit Artikeln rund um die Themen Embedded Software Entwicklung, Model-based Design, Serien-Code Generierung, ISO 26262, Continuous Integration und mehr.
If you would like to try out our tools, we will gladly provide an evaluation license free of charge. Evaluations include a free launch workshop and also provide an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with our support and engineering teams.
Do you have any questions or want to see our tools in action? If so, please use the link below to schedule a meeting, where a member of our engineering team will be happy to show you the features and use cases and directly answer any questions you might have.
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Wir entwickeln automatisierte und intelligente Test Lösungen, welche unseren Kunden weltweit dabei helfen, eine hohe Software Qualität im Einklang mit dem ISO 26262 Standard zu erreichen
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