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Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode


Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode

BTC Embedded Systems

News & Events




Wolfgang Meincke

Markus Gros

In this free webinar, discover how to smoothly upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 while ensuring seamless transitions for tools like MATLAB/Simulink and TargetLink. We'll show you how to tackle these challenges effectively.

Wolfgang Meincke

Yatish Chitluri

In this free Webinar, we will show you how to efficiently perform an ISO 26262 compliant software test within a Model-based development process, ensuring full traceability between requirements, test cases and test results.

Nabile Khoury

Thabo Krick

Please join us to discover how we make testing incredibly convenient for function developers working with a model.

Markus Gros

Jason Tobias

Attend CES 2025 in Las Vegas, NV, USA, on January 7th-10th and meet us at our booth at the german pavil

Markus Gros

Thabo Krick

Please join us for this free webinar to discover the brand new major release BTC EmbeddedPlatform 24.3 (incl. BTC EmbeddedTester 24.3).

Markus Gros

Hans Jürgen Holberg

Attend SDV Europe 2024 at Hotel Palace in Berlin, on December 1st-3rd and meet us at our booth in the exhibition area.


As the 3rd Release in 2024, the new version BTC EmbeddedPlatform 24.3 (incl. BTC EmbeddedTester 24.3, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier 24.3 and BTC EmbeddedValidator 24.3) is now available.
As the 2nd Release in 2024, the new version BTC EmbeddedPlatform 24.2 (incl. BTC EmbeddedTester 24.2, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier 24.2 and BTC EmbeddedValidator 24.2) is now available.
The new version BTC EmbeddedPlatform 23.3 (including BTC EmbeddedTester, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier and BTC EmbeddedValidator) has been successfully certified by German TÜV Süd as fit for purpose for the usage in safety critical software development projects.
As the 1st Release in 2024, the new version BTC EmbeddedPlatform 24.1 (incl. BTC EmbeddedTester 24.1, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier 24.1 and BTC EmbeddedValidator 24.1) is now available.
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BTC Embedded Systems Blog

Unser Blog mit Artikeln rund um die Themen Embedded Software Entwicklung, Model-based Design, Serien-Code Generierung, ISO 26262, Continuous Integration und mehr.