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Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode


Test Lösungen für Simulink Modelle und Seriencode

Test Environments

MathWorks Embedded Coder

Testing model and code in one integrated environment


About Embedded Coder

Embedded Coder® from TheMathworks generates production C code from Simulink/Stateflow models. But to take advantage of EmbeddedCoder in an ISO 26262 compliant development workflow, end-users need to also consider  model-in-the-loop testing (MIL), software-in-the-loop testing, back-to-back testing, and code coverage analysis. BTC EmbeddedPlatform integrates all these different workflows in one simple ISO 26262 certified environment.

Learn more about Embedded Coder on www.mathworks.com.

BTC EmbeddedPlatform

MIL/SIL Testing for Embedded Coder

The creation of a test project occurs automatically, without need for any manual interaction from the user. BTC EmbeddedPlatform analyzes the architecture of the model to detect subsystems, ports, parameters, test points, data types and ranges.

As we believe that a test tool should never touch or modify the system-under-test, the test harness creation and test execution happen on a temporary copy of the Simulink model. 

This makes it easy to handle model and test data independently. The test harness creation happens in the background and requires no manual input.

For software-in-the-loop (SIL) Testing, BTC EmbeddedPlatform always uses the original production code with a dedicated and automatically-managed test harness

Easily test on all subsystem Levels

Hierarchical Test Approach

Especially when working with large Embedded Coder models, individual test cases often need to be run on a smaller subsystem or sub function within the model. 

But isolating that subsystem for test harness creation can require time-consuming and error-prone manual labor. And this often leads to additional models and artifacts which need to be stored, managed and maintained.

With the powerful “hierarchical test approach” in BTC EmbeddedPlatform, all these problems are smoothly managed in the background. The needed test harnesses on model and code level are automatically generated “on-the-fly” from the original model, so that they don’t need to be stored or manually updated.

Hierarchical test approach for Simulink, TargetLink, Embedded Coder and Handcode

BTC TestComposer

Smart and powerful test authoring

In our experience, test cases are too often written in languages which were not designed for that purpose. Examples like Matlab, Python, Excel tables, or even C Code abound.

With BTC TestComposer, we provide a powerful editor for functional test cases directly within BTC EmbeddedTester BASE. BTC TestComposer knows all the details of the test architecture and protects users against invalid data entries. If enumerations are used, a drop-down menu is provided that allows direct selection of desired values.

Further features include a signal generator, a graphical viewer, flexible tolerance handling, and a formula editor, allowing us to calculate the value of a certain signal based on other variables. “Test Macros” and “Calibration Sets” can be used to specify and store reusable sequences for instantiation in multiple test cases. Test cases are executed directly within the editor and the results immediately visualized

BTC TestComposer - Intuitive Test Authoring for Simulink, TargetLink, Embedded Coder and Handcode

Sandboxed environment

Smart Debugging

As modern Model-based development projects grow in complexity, the task of debugging failed test cases becomes increasingly difficult and time-consuming. Even more challenges emerge in situations where the function development and testing are separate, and performed by different people or teams. This leads to an important question: What is the most efficient way for a test engineer to provide his test scenario to development for further analysis?

BTC EmbeddedPlatform includes a unique debugging approach that generates self-contained sandboxes. These sandboxes contain a copy of the system-under-test as well as the failed test case, including the corresponding calibration values. The sandboxes can be easily shared with colleagues or customers, making it easy to try out modifications without breaking the original files.

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Evaluierungs Lizenz

Sie möchten unsere Tools in Ihrer Entwicklungsumgebung testen? Gerne stellen wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Evaluierungslizenz zur Verfügung., inkl. Kick-Off Trainings-Workshop und Support durch unser Team.

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Evaluierungs Lizenz

Sie möchten unsere Tools in Ihrer Entwicklungsumgebung testen? Gerne stellen wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Evaluierungslizenz zur Verfügung., inkl. Kick-Off Trainings-Workshop und Support durch unser Team.

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ISO 26262

BTC EmbeddedPlatform (inkl. BTC EmbeddedTester BASE, BTC EmbeddedTester, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier and BTC EmbeddedValidator) ist vom TÜV Süd für die Nutzung in sicherheitskritischen Projekten zertifiziert. Das Zertifikat gilt für die Standards IEC 61508-3:3010, ISO 26262, EN 50128, IEC 62304 as well as ISO 25119. Für den in der Automobilbranche geltenden Standard ISO 26262 ist BTC EmbeddedPlatform mit dem höchsten Tool Confidence Level TCL 3 für alle ASIL Level inklusive ASIL D zertifiziert. Dank dieses Zertifikats, welches wir unseren Kunden kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen, lässt sich der Aufwand zur Tool Qualifizierung innerhalb Ihrer Projekte nahezu eleminieren.
ISO 26262 Certificate


From our Blog

Sharing insights on embedded software development, model-based design, automatic code generation and ISO 26262 compliant testing.


Videos & Webinars

Discover some of the main features of our products in these short videos.

BTC EmbeddedTester BASE

Requirements-based Testing for Simulink, TargetLink, Embedded Coder and handwritten code.