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Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code


Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code

Release of BTC EmbeddedPlatform 23.1

As the 1st major Release in 2023, the new version BTC EmbeddedPlatform 23.1 (incl. BTC EmbeddedTester 23.1, BTC EmbeddedSpecifier 23.1 and BTC EmbeddedValidator 23.1) is now available.

As usual, our Spring release adds support for new versions including TargetLink 22.1 and Matlab/EmbeddedCoder 2022b.

Further feature highlights include: 

Included MinGW Compiler

We now include the MinGW compiler for Windows with our installation, to get you up and running more quickly than ever. Whether you’re testing handwritten C-Code or Simulink models on MIL and SIL, you can now get started right away!

Integrated SIL Debugging IDE

Debugging on the code level is essential when trying to find the root cause for failed tests due to code-related problems. In the past, we’ve already supported third-party IDEs like Visual Studio, VSCode and Eclipse to allow our users to debug their test cases directly on the c-code.

And to make things even easier for our users, we now ship an integrated debug environment, allowing you to debug your code right away – without any third-party software!

Project Report and Justification

Historically, users have been able to generate a variety of detailed reports from various testing activities, which we have further enhanced by creating a way to report the overall quality status at a glance. Our new Project Report provides this valuable summary view and can be configured to include various details for different use cases. 

If you couldn’t cover all of your code or if we’ve proven certain parts to be dead code, users can now mark those parts as „Justified“ which is helpful when complying with the ISO 26262 standard.


We’ve also added some other great features like,

  1. support for EmbeddedCoder Autosar models with Internal Trigger Ports

  2. the ability to apply signal generators and formulas to multi-dimensional signals

  3. and additional simulation data to understand the result of local-verdict-functions


And for those of you who want to take their CI to the next level: We have now released or first official Linux-based BTC EmbeddedPlatform image available on DockerHub. Check out the docs or get in touch with our Engineering team if you’re excited to kick things off!

You can download the Release directly from our MyBTC customer portal. If you don’t have an account yet, please register free of charge using your professional email address. 

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