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Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code


Test Solutions for Simulink Models & Production Code


Webinar: Test-Driven Development – Developer Testing With Low Effort and High Reward

Nabile Khoury

Thabo Krick

Webinar.:Test-Driven Development - Developer Testing With Low Effort and High Reward

January 30th, 10:00 CET (Berlin) / 04:00 EST (Detroit) / 14:30 IST (Bangalore) / 17:00 CST (Beijing)

January 30th, 15:00 CET (Berlin) / 09:00 EST (Detroit) / 19:30 IST (Bangalore) / 22:00 CST (Beijing)

Ever felt overwhelmed by testing processes?

Join us to discover how we make testing incredibly convenient for function developers working with a model. Developers naturally want to test their function, but often face obstacles like complex processes and tedious boilerplate work. Our approach simplifies the testing process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – developing high-quality functions. Learn how to achieve efficient and effective testing with minimal effort and maximum reward.

In this free webinar you will learn how to:

  •  Interactively test and debug your model while developing your function
  •  Manage your test cases and trace them with your requirements
  •  Reused your test cases, including their verdict definitions in CI automation
  •  Leverage an ISO 26262 certified test environment for enhanced confidence in your tests

Please join Nabile Khoury and Thabo Krick for our first webinar of the new year.

Watch the recording


Nabile Khoury

Paris, France

Senior Application Engineer

Nabile Khoury studied Electronics and Computer Science at the University “Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers” in Paris. From 2010 to 2016, he worked in automotive companies, mainly in the powertrain department of the French car maker PSA Peugeot Citroën, as software engineer specialized in Model-Based Development involving AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 compliant processes. He then joined BTC Embedded Systems AG where he currently works as a Director Sales and Business Development Europe in Paris/France.    

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Thabo Krick

Oldenburg, Germany

Lead Application Engineer

Thabo Krick studied Economic Computer Science at the University of Oldenburg and joined BTC Embedded Systems AG in 2013 as a student. With his team he set up the Jenkins-based software pipeline for BTC development and testing activities across all departments. After his Bachelor degree, he developed plugins and provided technical support for BTC EmbeddedPlatform customers world-wide. Since 2017 Thabo has provided trainings and consulted customers from the automotive domain regarding their testing process, ISO 26262 and automation. In 2018 he became a "Certified Jenkins Engineer" by successfully passing the exam at the Jenkins World Congress in Nice/France.

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